- Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd
Strategic partners

Chinese aftermarket giant Launch was one of the first Asian companies to provide repair and testing equipment for tyres, and is now a key provider for complete workshop and service solutions worldwide.
Vanli is an authorised supplier for more than 40 automotive brands worldwide and works with key auto brands in the domestic market, including the likes of APM, Denso, Delphi, Bosh, and many more.
Schmaco is an ISO certified automotive manufacturer in Malaysia specialized in producing rubber parts mainly to the automotive replacement market. SCHMACO manufactures a comprehensive range of rubber products for various application of Japanese vehicle which includes passenger cars, SUVs, 4-wheel drives and trucks. Among the types of products produced are Engine Mounting, Absorber Mounting, Spring Bumper, Lower Arm Bushing, Stabilizer Bar Bushes, Spring Bushes, Shock & Bumper Bushes, C.V and Steering Boots etc.
International and local supporters
- AAA – Auto Audio, Accessories and Air-condition Traders Association of Malaysia
- AAA – Automotive Accessories Traders Association of Malaysia
- AAAA – Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association
- AASA – Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (USA)
- ASA – Federal Association of the Manufacturers and Importers of Automobile Service Equipment (Germany)
- CSM – CyberSecurity Malaysia
- EGEA – European Garage Equipment Association (Belgium)
- EMPTA – Selangor and Federal Territory Engineering and Motor Parts Traders' Association
- FAWOAM – Federation of Automobile Workshop Owners’ Association of Malaysia
- FEMACGA – The Federation of Malaysia Chinese Guilds Association
- FEMPTAM – The Federation of Engineering and Motor Parts Traders' Association Malaysia
- HDMA – Heavy Duty Manufacturers Alliance (USA)
- MAARA – Malaysia Automotive Recyclers Association
- MACPMA – Malaysian Automotive Component Parts Manufacturers
- MCVTA - Malaysia Commercial Vehicle Traders Association
- MDEC – Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation
- MEMA – Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (USA)
- MRC – Malaysian Rubber Council
- MRPMA - Malaysian Rubber Products Manufacturers' Association
- MTF - Malaysia Trucking Federation
- MUVATA – Malaysia Used Vehicle Autoparts Traders Association
- OAC – Overseas Automotive Council (USA)
- PPIBM – Persatuan Pengusaha Industri Bengkel Malaysia
- TSC – Toyota Suppliers Club (Malaysia)
- ZDK – German Federation for Motor Trades and Repairs
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